How To Get Mold Out Of Clothes

How To Get Mold Out Of Clothes: 6 Amazing Solutions To Try!

Ways to get mold out of clothes sound like a nightmare if you fail to find the right tricks.

The hard reality here is that the mold growth can further exacerbate if unattended for a long time creating a musty sewer smell all over the house.

So, before throwing your favorite clothes away due to a mold attack, let’s figure out how to contain its presence.

Here is a clear guide that will lead you to know how to get mold out of clothes and make them feel new again.

Before that,


What Causes Mold on Clothes?

mold dots on shirt

Before we get into more insights on how to get mold out of clothes, let’s check what causes mold on clothes:

1. Moisture: Mold’s Best Friend

Moisture is the root cause of the mold formation. When you leave your clothes in the dark, damp, and warm regions for the long term unattended there is a high scope for mold formation on them.


2. Organic Material

Fabrics carved out from cotton, wool or linen are more vulnerable to mold formation.

These materials have organic compounds that serve as the door source to munch on for the mold.

Reminder: Whenever you see the black or green spots on the fabric, consider- It is the mold!


3. Poor Ventilation

Poor ventilation without the proper air and light flow will be the main breeding ground for mold.

Your unattended laundry basket, basement, and also the closets will help the mold to grow.

Suggested Read: Does Sunlight Kill Mold: How Well Is Sunlight Against Mold?


What does mold on clothes look like?

mold on clothes
By Wavehooks

Have you ever observed tiny irregular spots or patches on your fabric? If Yes! I am sorry that is mold infestation sometimes.

This can be black, green, white, or even gray at times. These spots even look slimy or fuzzy depending on the mold impact.

It can affect fabric with discoloration, foul odor, and musty too. You can also feel slightly damp and sticky too.

Suggested Read: Does Rubbing Alcohol Kill Mold? The Real Truth Revealed!


is mold on clothes dangerous?

Remove Mold From Washable Clothes
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Yes! Mold on the clothes is dangerous, especially for those who are more prone to allergies and breathing issues.

Even for healthy people, this mold formation can exacerbate health problems when inhaled.

They can easily spread and gain immunity with the help of mycotoxins, these are toxic and can cause severe illness.

Suggested Read: Top 10 Strategies On How to Keep Shower Curtain From Molding.


Can mold on clothes spread? 

stains on the shirt
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Yes! Practically, mold stains can easily spread when the conditions are favorable.

Mold can thrive in the dark, damp, and moist regions. If your clothes are anywhere in these zones there are high chances of mold spread.

There are high chance of mold spreading from the clothes to even the wood and surroundings, causing a strange smell.

Friendly Tip: Make sure once you observe the mold, separate them for treatment or dispose if possible!


How to Get Mold Out of Clothes: 6 Tried and Tested Methods!

Here are the best tried and tested methods to deal with mold on clothes:

mold on clothes
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1. Try Vinegar Soak: A Natual Mold Fighter

White vinegar which is readily available in your home can be a natural agent to neutralize and kill mold on clothes.

It has acidic properties which can break down mold growth, making it a rightful choice.

Preparation Process:

  • Mix a Solution: You need to combine a small portion of vinegar with 2 parts of the water in a bowl
  • Soak the Clothes: Completely dip the mold-induced clothes for at least a couple of hours.
  • Wash Normally: Wash the soaked clothes with hot water to get away with the mold.


2. Baking Soda Scrub On Mold

Baking soda is the most viable solution to treat mold on clothes, as it has the best tendency to remove musty odors and also germs.

Preparation Process:

  • Pre-Treat Stains: You need to sprinkle the baking soda directly onto the affected region.
  • Scrub Gently: Gently rub the area with the soft brush until you fade the mold spots.
  • Add to Wash: Add a cup of baking soda into the hot washing cycle of your washing machine.

Suggested Read: Can You Use Clothes Detergent To Wash Dishes: Safety Guide!


3. Borax Touch: Heavy-Duty Mold Remover

Borax, not only keeps away tiny ants but can also help in fighting against the mold on the fabric.

dust particles on the shirt
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Preparation Process:

  • Dissolve Borax: You need to stir half a cup of the borax with the hot water till it dissolves.
  • Soak Clothes: Dip the mold-infused clothes into this liquid and leave it for an hour or so.
  • Wash And Dry: You need to wash the clothes with the hot cycle setting and make sure mold fades away!


4. Hydrogen Peroxide Treatment: Bleach-Free Agent!

Hydrogen Peroxide is a bleach-free option to remove the mold. It is a strong fighter against the mold for the light-coloured clothes.

Preparation Process:

  • Apply Directly: Pour 3% concentration of the H2O2 onto the mold spots and let them settle for 25 minutes.
  • Scrub Lightly: Take a gentle brush and scrub the affected area to lift off the mold
  • Wash Thoroughly: You need to rinse the garment with the cold water press followed by the washing machine wash.

Suggested Read: 15 Game-Changing Laundry Hacks For Busy Moms- Must Read!


5. Tea Tree Oil Solution: Natural Antifungal

Tea tree oil is a potent natural antifungal agent that can kill mold but also can leave the clothes fresh and clean.

Preparation Process:

  • Mix A Solution: You can combine two tablespoons of the tea tree oil with the hot water and add it to the spray bottle.
  • Spray on Mold: Spray the prepared solution directly on the moldy areas of the fabric.
  • Wash After Treatment: Let the solution sit for an hour on the clothes before washing to get away from the infestation.

Friendly Tip: Sunlight is a natural mold killer, UV rays tend to contain mold growth on fabric and surroundings as well.


6. Activated Charcoal To Get Mold Out Of Clothes

white mold on fabric
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Activated charcoal not only helps to remove the sewer smell in your house but also helps in containing moisture and reducing mold growth.

Preparation Process:

  • Place Charcoal In Closet: You need to keep a bag of charcoal in your closet or storage area to absorb excess moisture.
  • Direct Contact: For mild mold, place a small microfiber cloth add charcoal to it, and keep in contact with the mold-affected fabric.
  • Wash After Use: After a few days, wash the clothes on a hot cycle. This method is especially useful for preventing future mold growth.


How to Safely Remove Mold From Non-Washable Clothing

Removing mold from non-washable clothing requires a delicate approach.

Here you need to start by brushing with a soft brush to spread and lightly dab any spirit, baking soda, or vinegar rub on the mold.

Allow the garment to soak in the hot water and let it dry in the sunlight. This can also help in eliminating strong odors from the clothes.

Friendly Tip: You must not mix the borax with the bleac, this can form toxic fumes and damage the fabric.


Quick Tips For Preventing Mold On Clothes

mold dots on female dress
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  1. Keep Clothes Dry: Always ensure clothes are completely dry before storing them
  2. Store in a Cool, Dry Place: Choose a well-ventilated area for storing clothes. Avoid basements to keep away moisture and use silica gel packets to maintain well.
  3. Air Out Regularly: Air out the closet and prevent dampness. Rotate your wardrobe periodically to ensure the freshness.

Friendly Tip: While cleaning mold on clothes, it is highly recommended to wear safety gear like an N95 mask, gloves, and eye protection to avoid inhaling the mold spores.



Frequently Asked Questions On How To Get Mold Out Of Clothes

stains on fabric
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1. should you throw out moldy clothes?

Not necessarily!! Modly clothes can often be salvaged with the proper cleaning hacks. However, if the impact is high it is recommended to throw them off.

2. what causes green mold on clothes?

Green mold on clothes typically forms due to more exposure to the damp and highly humid environment.

3. Can you put moldy clothes in the washing machine?

Yes! You can put moldy clothes in the washing machine. But, pre-treating them is recommended for efficient results and also to prevent spreading.

4. Does Vinegar Kill Mold?

Yes! Vinegar can act as a natural and effective mold killer to prevent its growth.


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