How To Get Rid Of Silverfish

How To Get Rid Of Silverfish: 19 Surefire Tips To Deal Them!

Are you here to know how to get rid of silverfish? If Yes! by now you might understand how challenging and frustrating is to remove these vexing silverfish.

They not only silently invade your space but also cause severe damage to your books and furniture.

As it is said: “The problem is a chance for you to do your best”. You can surely deal with this tricky problem with insightful solutions.

Are they efficient? I say absolutely, Yes! but only when you deal with them properly.

So, let’s check all the insights on how to get rid of silverfish, preventing steps, and also signs of their presence.

To begin with,


what are silverfish bugs?

what are silverfish bugs
By Wavehooks

Silverfish bugs are very small, they have no wings but have silvery-grey scales and the name comes from their fish-like shape.

The main fact is that they thrive in damp, dark areas like basements, bathrooms, and also kitchens.

They feed on starchy products like papers, glue, and soft fabrics and will destroy the general household items.

Fun Fact: Silverfish predate dinosaurs as they are existing more than 400 million years by now.


Where are silverfish bugs found in the house?

Where are silverfish bugs found in the house
By Wavehooks

These sneaky silverfish bugs can thrive in hard environments like damp and dark.

Commonly hiding in the basements, bathrooms, attics, laundry rooms, and also kitchen cupboards.

As they are tiny their nesting sites will be in cracks, crevices, behind boards, under sinks, and also the leaky pipes.

Their breeding habits can let them survive even in high humidity and poor ventilation zones.

Suggested Read: How To Get Rid Of Boxelder Bugs: 24 Hacks For Bug-Free Home!


Signs Of Silverfish Infestation

Here are some signs of silverfish infestation you need to keep a check on:

silverfish infestation
By Wavehooks
  • Unlikely Sightings of Silverfish: Spoting them lively near books and papers, especially at night when they’re active.
  • Damage to items: Irregular holes or yellow stains can appear on wardrobes, fabrics, and also wallpapers.
  • Silverfish Molting: You can find tiny, delicate silverfish skin near the cupboards, cracks, and crevices.
  • Fecal matter: You can find small pepper-like drops in the area that will re-appear even after cleaning.

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Are silverfish harmful?

tiny insect invading the home
By Wavehooks

Silverfish do not directly affect humans, as they don’t tend to bite or sting to transmit diseases.

However, they cause damage to household items and destroy the aesthetics of the space in the long run.

The heavy infestation of these pesky insects will lead to mold growth in the home and tough to eliminate them with DIY tricks.

Fun Fact: Silverfish are incredibly fast and agile, allowing them to quickly dart out of sight and evade predators!


how to get rid of silverfish naturally?

Trying DIY tricks to get rid of silverfish is the best thing you can do. Here are a few tricks that surely work:

how to get rid of silverfish naturally
By Wavehooks

1. Baking Soda And Sugar To Get Rid Of Silverfish

You need to mix the baking soda and the sugar in equal parts and place them in the shallow containers.

Try sprinkling it all across the infested areas, the hard smell of baking soda will disrupt the silverfish trails and find their way out.

Replace the mixture to keep it effective long!

Suggested Read: How To Keep Spiders Out Of Your Basement: 17 Proven Tactics! 


2. Cedarwood Chips For Silverfish

Place Cedarwood chips in areas where are there high chances of silverfish infestation like baseboards, wardrobes, and kitchens.

The natural oils present in the cedarwood would repel the silverfish and disrupt their habitat.

These cedarwood chips also help you control other pests and the scent lasts for 2 weeks in the open air.

Fun Fact: It takes more than 2 years for a silverfish to turn into a fully grown adult from a juvenile.


3. Essential Oils For A Special Aroma

You can simply mix 10-15 drops of essential oils like lavender, eucalyptus, lemon tree, or neem oil and add them to a spray bottle.

Spray this directly onto the silverfish-infested areas, though we feel the aroma, the pungent nature can be repulsive for the silverfish.


4. Cucumber Slices To Deal Effectively

silverfish on a wood
By Wavehooks

The simple yet effective technique to deal with the silverfish is to place the cucumber slices in the moist areas.

The aldehydes and the ketones present in the cucumber can make the situation unlikely for the silverfish to survive.

Replace the slices timely for better efficiency. Recommended to replace for every 1 week.

Fun Fact: Adult female silverfish will lay 2 to 20 eggs every day till its old age.


5. Use Bay Leaves To Scatter Silverfish

Bay leaves are effective Benzaldehyde which has a strong aroma that is highly repellant to insects like silverfish.

You can simply scatter the bay leaves in all the areas and these leaves can also absorb the moisture to keep the surface odor-free.

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6. Clove And Cinnamon

Do you like the aroma of the cloves and cinnamon? Though your answer is yes! It is a strong no for a silverfish.

Yes! Both cinnamon and cloves have a potent strong scent which is highly unappealing for these pesky pests.

Replace the cinnamon and the cloves periodically to maintain their odor.

Fun Fact: Have you ever noticed that a silverfish has a wiggling motion which resembles a fish swimming inside the water?


7. Talcum To Tackle Silverfish

This is the easiest and the instant way to keep away the silverfish.

All you have to do here is to spread talcum powder near the entry point, baseboards, and the cracks where you feel this pest is active.

The strong smell of talcum will disrupt the movement of the silverfish and can reduce their count instantly.

Suggested Read: How To Clean A Vacant Apartment Of Pests: 5 Secrets Unveiled


8. Newspaper And Potato To Pat Silverfish

newspaper trap for silverfish
By Wavehooks

You need to use a wet rolled newspaper and place potato slices inside this newspaper.

Silverfish will get attracted to the scent of the newspaper as well as to the starch of the potato.

Once you get enough of these pests inside the paper, wrap them and dispose.

Fun Fact: As long as they have enough moisture and water, silverfish can thrive without food for more than a year! Strange isn’t it?


9. Hot Pepper To Peep Silverfish

Simply boil some water with hot pepper like cayenne or chili and stain the solution.

Take this liquid into a nozzled bottle and spray wherever you feel necessary.

The capsaicin present in the pepper with hot water will irritate the silverfish and fade them away.

Fun Fact: Unlike other insects, silverfish directly come out as a miniature adult from the egg.


10. Use Garlic Peels To Giggle Silverfish

Garlic is a strong agent to repel silverfish from home. The organic sulfur present in the garlic will quickly repel pests.

All you need to do here is to peel some garlic cloves and place them in respective areas where you find infestation.

After some time you can feel the clear surfaces. Replace the cloves timely for better results!

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11. Use Lemon Juice As A Barrier For Silverfish

lemon to remove water stains
Image By Freepik

The strong citrus flavors act highly unfavorable for the pests like silverfish.

You can use lemon peels or lemon juice spray all along the cracked paths of the silverfish and the dark areas.

This can repel them and you can protect your space pest-free at no cost.

Fun Fact: Silverfish is a cousin brother to the firebrat insect!


12. Vanilla Extract To Vanish Silverfish

You can use vanilla food extract by dipping cotton balls into them.

Place these vanilla-dipped cotton balls in the areas of a silverfish infestation.

The vanilla smell acts irritant to the silverfish and helps you vanish them in no time.

Fun Fact: With bizarre food taste they munch on paper, glue, leather, synthetic fibers and even dandruff!


13. Molasses Trap To Mash Out Silverfish

Simply fill a shallow jar with molasses filled with starch, and place this near the silverfish-prone area.

You can also apply Vaseline or oily moisturizer to the rim of the jar to make it slip into the jar while munching on the molasses.

Capture them overnight and leave them far from your location.

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14. Flour And Borax Mixture For Silverfish

flour + borax
By Wavehooks

Try mixing flour powder with the borax and place it in a small dish near the nesting grounds of the silverfish.

They consume the borax which can not only deter them but can kill them over time.

This can help you deduct the population of them and with time you can completely prevent them.

Fun Fact: Silverfish communicate using Pheromones chemical signals in food hunt!


15. Coffee Grounds And Mint Tea Bags 

You can hang mint tea bags in the closets and also spread coffee beans all across.

The strong coffee aroma and the mint flavor can get away from silverfish and keep the area dry and odor-free.

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how to get rid of silverfish in bathroom

pests in bathroom
By Wavehooks

One of the effective ways to get rid of silverfish in the bathroom is by trying diatomaceous earth mixed with powdered cinnamon. 

You simply need to sprinkle diatomaceous earth all along the washroom corners, cracks, and tile grouts.

The Cinnamon acts as a deterrent and diatomaceous dehydrates the silverfish and makes them leave the space immediately.

Suggested Read: How To Make Your Bathroom Smell Like A Spa: 20+ ‘Scent’-Sational Ways.


how to get rid of silverfish in closet

silverfish in closet
By Wavehooks

One of the finest and easiest ways to get rid of silverfish in a closet is by using clove oil and rice paper traps.

for this, you need to soap pieces of the rice paper in the clove oil and let them sun dry.

Later, place them in the scented papers and keep them in all corners of your closet.

The strong scent not only repels silverfish but also keeps your wardrobe fresh.

Fun Fact: Do you know, silverfish get that silvery sheen from their scales and they are also waterproof?


how to get rid of silverfish in carpet

silverfish on carpet
By Wavehooks

As carpets are the most used elements in the house, you need to take care of them utmost.

I preferably recommend using activated charcoal and the essential oils in sachets to keep the smell lingering.

The strong scents can not only keep the pests away but also help your living area enchant with a decent smell.

Suggested Read: Why Does My House Smell Like Sewage: 10 Reasons To Address! 


how to get rid of silverfish centipede in plant pot

silverfish centipede in plant pot
By Wavehooks

You can use neem oil and the clay pot cover to deal with the silverfish centipede in a plant pot.

Mix neem oil with water and directly spray onto the plant. Neem oil not only helps in plant growth but also keeps pests away.

You can also cover the clay pot cover for 24 hours with neem and lavender oil spreading which can disrupt the pest lifecycle without affecting the plant.

Fun Fact: Alike cockroaches, silverfish can also survive without their head for several weeks!


How To Prevent Silverfish Infestation?

how to prevent silverfish
By Wavehooks

1. Reduce Humidity To Get Rid Of Silverfish

Silverfish will thrive in the humid and damp environments. You need to cut down the humidity below 50% to keep away these pests. Ensure better ventilation and prevent mold growth.


2. Seal Entry Points To tackle Silverfish

You need to periodically check the cracks and gaps near windows, doors, and also basement areas to prevent silverfish entry into your home.


3.  Declutter And Clean Regularly

Try to declutter your home regularly and regularly vacuum the carpets, and storage areas for better living space.

Remove food waste timely and immediately clean the wet areas to avoid pest and mold formation.

Suggested Read: 10 Easy Ways to Keep Your House Clutter-Free.


How To Get Rid Of Silverfish: FAQs

silverfish on books
By Wavehooks

1. how to get rid of silverfish once and for all?

Maintain your home flawless by dehumidification, no entry points, and regular deep cleaning to ensure a long-lasting and silverfish-free environment.

2. how to get rid of silverfish in bed?

You need to immediately remove the bedding from the wash. Vacuum regularly and use cedar or lavender sachets to keep a check on the silverfish.

3. How do silverfish reproduce?

Silverfish lays eggs in hidden, wet, and dark areas. The eggs hatch into larvae and develop into a miniature adults through several molts.

4. how to get rid of silverfish in drains?

Mix baking soda and vinegar and pour the hot water into the drain to eliminate the silverfish and their eggs.

5. How long does it take to get rid of silverfish?

This can take few weeks to couple of months to get rid of silverfish depending on the infestation levels!


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