How To Get Onion Smell Out Of Apartment

How To Get Onion Smell Out Of Apartment: 15 Fresh Solutions!

Onions may add luscious flavor to your dishes, but their nagging smell can quickly become a nuisance in your apartment. So, Let’s tackle how to get onion smell out of apartment fast.

As the saying goes “A lingering smell can tarnish even the sweetest of memories”. No matter how well you cook, the foul smell can keep you uninterested.

So, let’s deal with some clever tricks to reclaim your space from odd odors like onions.

Grab a paper, mark a few of your favorites from the below list, and let me know how they helped your way out.



why does my apartment smell like onions?

There might be multiple reasons why your apartment smells like onions, Here are why:

why does my apartment smell like onions
By Wavehooks

i. Cooking Odors: If you have a strong onion essence or the spices, this might linger in the air.

ii. Poor Ventilation: With poor ventilation, the onion smell can trap inside and occupy spaces with the airflow.

iii. Spoiled Food: Rotten onions can smell stronger, please check in the pantry, fridge, and garbage to remove them.

iv. Cleaning Issues: Unclean surfaces after onion cutting, leaving food residues in the long run can cause an onion smell.

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How to get onion smell out of house fast naturally

Here is how to get onion smell out of house fast naturally:

How to get onion smell out of house fast naturally
By Wavehooks

1. Coffee Grounds To Beat Onion Smell

You need to spread fresh coffee grounds on an open plate.

The fact is that coffee grounds are porous and have a natural tendency to absorb odors.

Not only does this absorb the bad onion odors but will enchant your home with rich coffee flavor.

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2. Vinegar And Cinnamon Simmer To Neutralize Onion Smell

You need to take water in the bowl, add white vinegar and the cinnamon sticks, and heat it for 30 minutes.

Vinegar is an odor neutralizer with the presence of acetic acid which breaks down the odor molecules of the onions.

This cinnamon addition will increase the warm fragrance and make the space enchanting.

Fun Fact: Do you know in the middle ages, onions were often gifted and used as currency?


3. Citrus Peel To Get Onion Smell Out Of Apartment

lemon to remove water stains
Image By Freepik

The immediate remedy to get the onion smell out of your apartment is to take a few citrus peels and boil them for 20 minutes.

The steam releases the natural oils which is invigorating and will act as an onion odor absorber.

This method is very quick and more effective than artificial air fresheners. Try now and comment on the results.

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4. how to get onion smell out of apartment with baking soda

Begin by mixing hydrogen peroxide with the baking soda and place the solution in the open bowl near the stinking area.

Hydrogen peroxide breaks down the odor-causing bacteria and neutralizes the smell of the onions.

After a while, you can smell your whole apartment fresh without the onion smell traces.

Fun Fact: Some believe chewing raw parsley or mint can reduce onion breath.


5. Keep Essential Oil Diffuser

Essential Oil Diffuser to get away onion smell
By Wavehooks

Try mixing coarse salt with drops of special essential oils like lavender, eucalyptus, or peppermint.

You can place this mixture in the kitchen zone where you cut the onions.

This will release a fresh fragrance to beat out the bad odors and keep the place pleasant.


6. Cucumber Wipes And Slices

Try to clean the surfaces with the cucumber wipes which are one of the best odor removers.

If you don’t have these wipes you can also try raw cucumber slices to wipe off the area and spray some baking soda to eliminate the bad odors.

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7. DIY Scented Candles To Eliminate Onion Smell

I personally follow this technique to deal with house odors. Place a scented candle of your favorite choice in the kitchen always handy.

Try to light this every day after work for 10-15 minutes to keep your kitchen space more enchanting.

This way not only helps remove the onion smell but also boosts overall productivity with a good mood.

Fun Fact: The old age folks say keeping onion slices in socks while sleeping will draw off toxins.


8. Oat Meal And Milk

Oat meal and milk
By Wavehooks

When you are fed with the lingering onion smell in your apartment, you can mix some oatmeal and milk to make a thick paste.

Leave this mixture open in the smell area and let it pull the odor particles, leaving the place fresh.

This will work more effectively if you have small spaces and can be disposed of easily.

Fun Fact: When onions are cooked, they release their sweetness and lose much of their raw and sharp smell.


9. Lemon And Rosemary Mix

Take a pot of water and heat it with the add-ons of the rosemary sprigs and the lemon slices.

Both mix out and fuse our decent flavor. The lemon has an acidic nature and the rosemary has a herbaceous flavor.

The area will fill out with the refreshing scent eliminating the onion smell from your apartment.


10. Clove-Stubbed Citrus Orbs

cloves stubbed with pepper
By Wavehooks

Try studding an orange or a lemon with whole cloves and place them in different places.

The rightful combination of the citrus and the cloves works wonders to eliminate the odors and neutralize the space.

This way you can embrace your space with the spicy citrus scent which will also keep the pests away.

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How To Get Onion Smell Out Of Apartment: Added Tips!

Here are more ways how you get the onion smell out of the apartment:

onion smell in the apartment
By Wavehooks

11. Vanilla Extract To Fade Onion Smell

Vanilla extract has a more smoothened smell which is why it is mostly used in cosmetics.

You can try to dip the soft cloth in this vanilla extract mixed with water and rub the countertops and the cabinets to eliminate the onion smell from your apartment.


12. Rice And Bay Leaves To Eliminate Onion Smell

Take a cup of uncooked rice mix it with the bay leaves and boil the mixture for 20 minutes.

Rice acts as a natural moisture absorber and bay leaves act as the smell eliminator.

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13. Lemon Grass Bundle

Lemongrass bundle to remove onion smells
By Wavehooks

You can directly hang the fresh lemongrass bundles which are commonly used in scent diffusers.

Lemon grass up on contact with air will release a refreshing scent and naturally helps in beating out the onion smell.

Try to place it near the trash cans, utility sinks, and also bathrooms if needed.

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14. Ginger and Lemon Zest Paste

Get freshly grated ginger and lemon zest to spread across the dish to leave near the bad onion smell in the apartment.

Ginger has a powerful scent with added hot water and lemon zest has a citrusy scent is helps in removing unpleasant odors in the home.

Fun Fact: Do you know in California, a farm uses onions to generate electricity?


15. Camphor And Water Spray

Add a small unit of camphor to the water and gently heat the solution. Shift the mixture into a spray bottle.

You can spray periodically whenever you feel bad odors surrounding your home. Camphor is also good for respiration.

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how to get rid of onion smell from hands

Here is how you can learn to get rid of onions from your hands:

1. Dip In Tomato Juice

Once you feel the onion smell on your hands, you can try dipping your hand in the tomato juice for a few minutes.

Tomato’s acidity can neutralize the sulfur compounds and can also remove the bad odors.


2. Olive Oil Mixed With sugar

You can remove the onion smell from your hands by mixing a tablespoon of sugar with the olive oil and making a thick paste.

Scrub this mixture onto your hands, this can not only eliminate the onion smell but also soothe your palm.

Fun Fact: Onions have an enzyme called Alliinase, that is responsible for its taste and tear-inducing effect.


3. Salt And Lemon Scrub

salt and lemon for onion smell
By Wavehooks

Right after your onion-cutting session, you can grab a pinch of coarse salt and mix it with the lemon juice.

Apply this mixture to your palm gently massage for a minute and clean with warm water to get away from the onion smell.

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Natural Air Fresheners to Keep Your Apartment Smelling Fresh

Here are a few natural air fresheners to keep your apartment smelling fresh:

Natural Air Fresheners to Keep Your Apartment Smelling Fresh
By Wavehooks

i. Lemon and Baking Soda: Add lemon and baking soda together to release a fresh citrus flavor in the apartment.

ii. Houseplants: You can keep plants like peace lilies, spider plants, or aloe vera to purify air and also keep mosquitoes away.

iii. Cinnamon Sticks: Try to boil cinnamon sticks in filtered water to will your apartment with a spicy aroma.

iv. Scented Beeswax Candles: You can light the beeswax candles infused with essential oils to keep your air more scented and natural.

v. Citrus Vinegar Spray: Use citrus peel mixed with white vinegar and spray it all across to beat the odd odors in the apartment.

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How To Prevent Future Onion Smells In Apartment

Here are a few tips you can follow to prevent future onion smells in apartment:

best ways to prevent onion smell in apartment
By Wavehooks

1. Add Onions Last: You can add onions at the end of the cooking to minimize the odor to reduce the impact.

2. Ventilate While Cooking: Proper ventilation is the key to removing the cooking odors easily and swiftly.

3. Clean Immediately: You need to clean the utensils, countertop, and cutting board immediately to get away from the onion smell.

4. Soak Onions: Try to soak onions at least for 10 minutes before you cook to reduce odor and efficiency.

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How To Get Onion Smell Out Of Apartment: FAQs

onion releasing smell in an apartment
By Wavehooks

1. how to get rid of onion smell in the air? 

Just try to hang bundles of dried lavender or thyme near the air vents to get rid of the onion smell in the air.

2. how to get rid of onion smell in fridge?

You can place cotton balls soaked in vanilla extract in the fridge, this will not only absorb the onion smell but also add a sweet and fresh scent.

3. how to get rid of onion smell from the mouth?

Try swishing a mixture of apple cider vinegar and warm water to break down the sulfur compounds causing a bad onion smell in the mouth.

4. How to get rid of onion smell on clothes?

Grab some coffee beans and rub them on the clothes to break down the onion smell and then follow this up with the warm water cycle.

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