How Do you Get Barbecue Sauce Out Of Clothes

How Do You Get Barbecue Sauce Out Of Clothes: 17 Fast Fixes!

‘Nothing tastes better than the barbecue sauce’– until it lands on your favorite garment! If you are wondering how you get barbecue sauce out of clothes, you landed in the sweet spot.

While those sticky, flavourful stains seem to be a nightmare, they won’t be permanent if you act swiftly.

But not only fast, the right method can surely give you fruitful results. So, without any delay, let’s get started!

Here are the best homemade hacks to get barbecue sauce out of clothes with ease.



Why Barbecue Sauce Is Such a Stain Enemy?

Barbecue sauce stain is very notorious and very tough to remove due to a multitude of reasons.

Here are the five points to know why this stain is your enemy:

sauce stains on fabric
By Wavehooks

1. Rich In Oils And Fats: Barbecue sauce has a high content of oils and fats that tend to penetrate deep into the fabric.

2. Dark Color And Sugars: This sauce leaves visible stains with rich color ingredients like tomatoes, molasses, and fine sugar.

3. Sticky Nature: Barbecue Sauce is greasy due to its syrupy consistency, this can allow it to cling to the surface of your clothes.

4. Acidic Content: Vinegar or citrus are the prime ingredients in barbecue sauce that has the nature of bonding tight to the fabric.

5. Heat Sensitivity: When it gets exposed to the heat, the sauce elements can harden and can turn stubborn to remove.

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How Do You Get Barbecue Sauce Out Of Clothes: Quick Tips To Start

Before you get into more tricks to deal with the sauce stains, let’s explore what to do immediately:

sauce stains on clothes
By Wavehooks

i. Act Swift! The sooner you treat the sauce stain the better would be the end result

ii. Avoid Heat! Don’t try to dry it out in the dryer or the air dry. Heat can set in the stain deeper

iii. Test Solutions First! Always patch-test the below methods to check whether the fabric is resistant or not

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How Do You Get Barbecue Sauce Out Of Clothes: 10 Working Methods To Try!

Here are the best hacks that surely work to get barbecue sauce out of clothes fast:

how to clean barbecue sauce stains on clothes
By Wavehooks

1. Hydrogen Peroxide For Pastel Colors

Hydrogen peroxide is a go-to option if you want to take off barbecue sauce stains from clothes.

This thing has bleaching properties and can act tough on the stains. Just dab some amount with cotton and rub on the stain,

Let it settle for 10 minutes and the oxygenating properties lift the pigments of molasses-based sauces.

Caution Tip: Be careful with the quantity you are using, as Hydrogen Peroxide acts as a bleaching agent, and there are chances of color fading. A patch test is recommended!


2. White Vinegar Soak

White vinegar is a natural stain fighter that has the potential to break down the sauce’s acidity and grease.

You must soak the stained garment in vinegar-dissolved water and leave it for 30 minutes.

Vinegar acidity helps to lift off stains, this especially suits cotton and synthetic blends.

Caution Tip: Ensure you don’t oversoak your garments for special nourishment.


3. Liquid Laundry Detergent Pre-Treatment

sauce stains on the cloth
By Wavehooks

Apply a small amount of liquid laundry detergent directly to the stained area and leave it for 15 minutes.

This liquid gently breaks the sugars in the barbecue sauces and lifts the oil off the stained area.

Cold wash the garment and let it sun dry for efficient results.


4. Club Soda Bloating

Club soda is a quick fix to get barbecue sauce out of clothes. The carbonation works well when you blot it directly!

Just grab a cotton, add some club soda, and clean off with a paper towel.

You can observe the bubbles popping out of the area making the sauce loosen its grip and cloth to regain its color.

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5. Soaking The Stained garment In Milk

women rubbing sauce on white cloth
By Wavehooks

Milk soaking is a very unconventional trick hardly anyone follows.

All you have to do here is to grab the stained garment and soak it in the milk for an hour.

The proteins in the milk will loosen the stain grip and help you to wipe it off easily.


6. Toothpaste To Get Barbecue Sauce Out Of Clothes

grab a non-gel-based toothpaste on your finger and slowly rub it on the sauce-stained area in a circular motion.

Just grab a tissue remove the excess lather first and reapply to leave it for 20 minutes.

Make sure you are using a soft tissue to again remove the residue. Follow this with the warm water wash!


7. Shaving Cream To Get Barbecue Sauce From Clothes

shaving cream
By Wavehooks

Have you ever thought shaving cream would be your finest solution to the toughest stain?

Yes! This will work due to the presence of stearic acid and the alcohol helps in treating stubborn stains like sauces.

Just gently grab a cream mix apply it in a circular motion and leave it for 20 minutes to rinse off with cold water.

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8. Meat Tenderizer On Sauce Stain

Strange Idea right? But still, this will be your on-go choice if you have got some protein stains on your clothes.

Just sprinkle some tenderizer powder onto the dampened area and let it sit for 30 minutes.

The enzymes will loosen the stain protein and make it easier to wash. Works well on linen and cotton clothes!


9. Oxygen-Based Bleaching Treatment

oxygen bleach to get barbecue sauce out of clothes
By Wavehooks

Oxygen-based bleach is a fantastic option to keep your clothes under color-safe treatment.

Unlike other chlorine-related bleaching, oxygen-based bleaching treatment won’t damage your garments.

Just soak your garment for 20 minutes and rinse it off once you see oxygen bubbles in the soaked basket.


10. Diluted Ammonia To Get Barbecue Sauce From Clothes

Mix one tablespoon of the ammonia in half a cup of cold water to create a stain-removing solution.

Dab the solution and blot the stained area to settle for 5-10 minutes. Ammanoia is an effective agent to cleanse protein-based stains.

This works very well on the cotton and the polyester clothes. Make sure you wash the garment properly.

Caution Tip: Never use this technique without a patch test and make sure not to try on woolen and silk garments.


11. Ice Cube Method On Sauce Stain

ice cube rub to get barbecue sauce out of clothes
By Wavehooks

If you accidentally spilled barbecue sauce on clothes at home, immediately grab an ice cube from your freezer!

Just gently rub this ice over the stained area and blot the area with a clean soft cloth. Avoid over-rubbing and spreading the stain.

This will be a viable choice and helps in the emergencies where the stain has the potential to deep root!

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12. Glycerin To Get Barbecue Sauce From Clothes

Glycerin is an excellent stain remover for the barbecue sauce stains. This helps in detecting and clearing down the oil and the greasy sugars from the sauce.

Apply a very generous amount of the glycerin gently rub on it and leave it for 30 minutes.

Follow this with the cold water wash and let it dry in the natural sunlight for better output.


13. Try Borax Powder On The Barbecue Sauce

borax powder to get barbecue sauce out of clothes
By Wavehooks

Borax not only helps to get rid of tiny ants in the home but also helps in stain treatment.

Mix borax with water and make a thick paste to apply directly on the stain to settle it for 40 minutes. 

After hardening, just rub in a circular motion to act as an abrasive agent to cleanse off the stain, and follow it with a cold water wash.


14.  Boiling Water To Get Barbecue Sauce From Clothes

A very simple yet effective technique is to use boiling water to get barbecue stains from clothes.

This will loosen the stain pigment, however, make sure you are pouring the boiling water from 1-1.5 feet height with moderate pressure.

This will work well on garments like linen or cotton and avoid this for delicate fabrics like wool or silk.

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How To Remove Old or Dried Barbecue Sauce Out Of Clothes?

Knowingly or unknowingly we might leave the barbecue sauce stains to attend it later.

The fact we miss here is that they turn more stubborn with time. If you also left the same way, here are a few tricks that might work:

dried barbecue sauce stains on clothes
By Wavehooks

15. Nail Polish Remover To Remove Old Barbecue Sauce Out Of Clothes

Make sure you use acetone-free nail polish remover for this technique as it has the potential to damage clothes.

Gently dab a soft cotton ball into this nail polish remover and blot on the stain directly, followed by cold water wash.

This works very well with durable fabrics. But, a patch test is recommended as there are chances of color fading!


16. Banana Peel Rub To Get Barbecue Sauce From Clothes

Believe it or not, banana peel has the natural oils and the enzymes that can break down the dried sauce stains.

Get a ripened banana peel and gently rub it on the stained area, leave it for around 30 minutes.

Sprinkle some talcum powder on this and wipe it off with a soft and wet cloth to feel fresh.

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17. Egg Yolk And Glycerine To Get Dried Barbecue Sauce Out Of Clothes

egg yolk and Glycerine mix to get barbecue sauce out of clothes
By Wavehooks

Egg yolk may sound unusual due to its smell, but it surely works well to remove the dried stains.

Mix a decent amount of egg yolk and a tablespoon of glycerine to form a viscous paste.

Apply this to the stain and leave it for 15 minutes. Wash off with cold water by applying some aloe vera gel to get off the yolk smell.

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So, here comes the end of the list. So, the next time someone asks you ‘How Do You Get Barbecue Sauce Out Of Clothes’, you have the answers now!

Whether you follow the simple hot water techniques or the acetone-free nail polish remover, make sure you follow the precautions carefully.

End of the day our DIY tips are to provide you instant solutions, but not to create a new problem altogether!


how do you get barbecue sauce out of clothes: FAQs

questions on how to get barbecue sauce out of clothes
By Wavehooks

1. What makes barbecue sauce stains so hard to remove?

The mix of acidic tomatoes, sticky fine sugars, and spices make the barbecue sauce a tough stain on the clothes.

2. What if the stain doesn’t come out after washing?

If the stain persists, never use the heating technique this will make the stain settle permanently. Try to reapply the stain remover or the mild dish soap until it fades. Still not working, then you can contact the professional dry cleaner!

3. Is it better to treat the stain before or after washing?

I recommend you to pre-treat the stain before washing! This helps you to break down the sauce grip rather than making it tougher to treat later.

4. Can I use stain removers from the store?

Yes! You can surely use stain removers from the store to get the barbecue sauce out of clothes. Make sure you follow the instructions well for better results in a short time.

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