Does Bleach Kill Spiders?

Does Bleach Kill Spiders? Learn How Effective And Safe It Is

Bleach is often a right-away choice for household cleaning, but when it comes to pest control, Does bleach kill spiders? is the question worth asking

If you ever spot the never-ending issue of creepy crawlers in your home, DIY solutions are what we think first.

Though bleach is a pretty good choice, there are a few factors you need to consider.

As it is said that- “Sometimes, the solution causes more problems when not utilized properly”.

So let’s delve into all the corners to know who bleach kills spiders and the precautions you need to follow.


What does bleach do to spiders?

sprinkling bleaching powder on spiders
By Wavehooks

Bleach can keep away spiders! Yes, this powerful chemical is capable of doing some serious damage to the spider’s existence.

How Bleach Affects Spiders?

Bleach contains sodium hypochlorite, revered for its potent disinfecting and whitening abilities.

While this is naturally used to work on stubborn stains, it can also help in pest control like spiders.

But how does it work on spiders?

But how does it work on spiders?
By Wavehooks

i. Contact: When bleach comes into direct contact with the spiders, it has the real potential to break the spider’s proteins and tissues.

ii. Suffocation: Bleach emits very strong fumes, this strong essence makes humans as well as spiders breathe hard. 

iii. Irritation:  Even if the spider survives initial exposure, the bleach can severely irritate its exoskeleton, making it sluggish and eventually die.

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How To Use Bleach To Kill Spiders: Step-By-Step Guide

Though bleach is the best ingredient to deal with the spiders, here are a few things you need to consider:

How To Use Bleach To Kill Spiders
By Wavehooks

Before you make your step, gather the below supplies:

  • Bleaching Powder(Sodium Hypochlorite)
  • Warm Water
  • A Spray Bottle 
  • Protective gloves and Mask
  • Old Clothes(To avoid stains)

Added Tip: Ventilate your area before you start working on spiders


2. Prepare your Bleach Solution On Spiders

Direct bleach can even irritate your eyes and can cause breathing issues, so it is better to dilute it with water.

Mix one part of bleach with 3 parts of the lukewarm water and direct it into the spray bottle.

Added Tip: Make sure you patch test on the surface, to avoid discoloration of the furniture!


3. Spot The Spider Nests!

Try to locate the spider nesting sites and also the regions it tries to hide.

Avoid spraying in large amounts this can make your house smell like sewage.


4. Clean Up Carefully

Once you locate the spider just spray the bleach solution and once you find dead spiders remove the residues with the paper towel.

Never leave watermarks on your couch, tables, or any other surfaces, this can permanently damage them.


5. Ventilate The Room

Just open the windows and turn your exhausts to get away with the bleach smell in the home as this can turn adverse to your kids and the pets.


6. Bleach As A Preventive Measure

You can also use bleach as a preventive measure to rub on the window sills, door frames, and all the entry points to keep away from most of the pest infestations.

Suggested Read: How To Clean A Vacant Apartment Of Pests: 5 Secrets Unveiled. 


does bleach kill brown recluse spiders?

reclusive spiders
By Wavehooks

Yes! Bleach can kill brown reclusive spiders when sprayed directly.

As bleach has high corrosive properties, it can break the exoskeleton of the recluse spiders.

But the only issue is that they hide in the dark, hard-to-reach areas and sometimes spraying bleach is not possible.


does bleach kill black widow spiders?

does bleach kill black widow spiders?
By Wavehooks

Yes! Bleach can kill widow spiders when used in the right methods.

The bleach can disrupt the nervous system and affect the black spider’s tissues.

As black widow spiders are venomous, make sure you take necessary precautions while spraying bleach.


How Fast Does Bleach Kill Spiders?

spider sitting on the bleacning powder
By Wavehooks

If you are looking for a quick and efficient way to kill spiders then bleach is not your go-to option.

Even after spraying directly onto the spider bleach can take around 5-10 minutes to kill spiders.

Larger spiders can even succumb to the bleach action and increase their chances of survival when they come into contact with water.

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does diluted bleach kill spiders?

spider infestation in home
By Wavehooks

Yes! Diluted bleach can kill spiders, though it may not be that potent it can surely work to damage spiders’ existence.

The general dilution levels will be in the ratio of 1:3 ratio and will act swiftly if you spray on the spider directly.

The dilution technique is generally used to show less impact on the furniture, pets, and kids.

Suggested Read: Will Vinegar Kill Mosquito Larvae: The Real Truth Unveiled! 


does bleach kill spiders eggs?

does bleach kill spider eggs
By Wavehooks

Yes! Bleach can kill spiders’ eggs. However, these eggs are generally well hidden in the corners, crevices, and dark areas.

If you can reach these places the bleach action can break down the egg sack and kill the embryo inside.

However, vacuuming and targeted insecticides are more viable solutions for killing spider eggs.

Suggested Read: How To Get Rid Of German Cockroaches: 12 Powerful Methods! 


does bleach kill wolf spiders?

does bleach kill wolf spiders
By Wavehooks

Yes! Bleach kills wolf spiders. Wolf spiders are mostly fast-moving hunters, which makes them very hard to find.

Wolf spiders also love to spend most of their time in outdoor areas like garages, where using bleach may feel tough.

If you were able to locate and spray the bleach directly, the chances of survival for these spiders would be very tough!

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Safer Alternatives to Bleach for Spider Control?

Here are safer and DIY alternatives to bleach for spider control:

safer alternatives to control spiders
By Wavehooks

1. Diatomaceous Earth For Spider Control

Diatomaceous Earth is a natural, non-toxic powder that is carved out from fossilized algae.

This can kill spiders when get in contact by dehydrating them.

All you need is to sprinkle the DE powder on your windowsills, and doorways to fade them away!

Added Tip: Place chestnuts in the corners, the strong scent of these nuts will repel spiders.


2. Cedarwood Oil Spray On Spiders

Cedarwood oil is a natural spider-repellant and will disrupt spider’s pheromones and the respiratory systems.

Just dilute the cedarwood oil with warm water to create a spray and use it on spiders!

You can use this in your bathroom too to make it smell like a spa and deal with pests.

Suggested Read: How To Make Your Bathroom Smell Like A Spa: 20+ ‘Scent’-Sational Ways


Does Bleach Kill Spiders: Frequently Asked Questions

does bleach kill spiders questions
By Wavehooks

1. Is using bleach to kill spiders safe?

Using bleach can kill spiders, but the harmful nature of the black can cause respiratory issues and also damage the surfaces with prolonged exposure.

2. What household items can kill spiders?

Natural household items like vinegar, essential oils (peppermint oil and tea tree), and diatomaceous earth can repel and kill spiders.

3. does spray bleach kill spiders?

Yes! Spray bleach can kill spiders when applied directly to the spiders. The efficiency time will vary on the size and nature of the spider.

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